
First Sunday Lunch 

The aim of the lunch is to provide extra time at the end of the service to talk to visitors and others we know.  
New people are more likely to stay if lunch flows straight on after the service. So no time is allocated to morning tea. 
Members are asked to being with them to church finger food that can be held in a serviette
We encourage people to prepare dishes at home rather than bring ingredients to cook/assemble.
We encourage people to slip out during the 'say g'day' break in the service, if their dish requires warming.


During the last song
•    Set up 3 or 4 tables if not already out
•    Though there is no official morning tea time, tea and coffee should be made available during lunch.
•    Ensure that cups, glasses, water, tea, coffee, sugar and serviettes are out.  

At the end of the service
•    The service leader will give thanks and invite everyone to the hall
​•    As soon as the service is over assist people who brought food to put their food out on the tables. 
•    Encourage people to serve themselves. 

At the end of the lunch 
•    Clean up the kitchen and sweep floor in hall . 
•    Wash up & clear away cups etc
•    Empty coffee maker
•    Switch off urns, ovens, lights and fans
•    Drain dishwasher
•    Lock side door and windows

Your effort and service is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for helping.