
Hi Greeters!!

Our greeting ministry is all about ‘growing followers of Jesus’, right? So …


Please pray that God would -

  1. Help everyone who is serving on Sunday as they prepare
  2. Excite our regulars to gather and encourage each other
  3. Clear distractions that would tempt our not-so-regulars away
  4. Move the hearts of contacts and unbelievers to want to come along


Please arrive at least 30 minutes before church starts.

First, pray! Thank God for this day. Pray he will bring people and that they will feel welcome. Pray that he will rescue unbelievers and transform believers today!  After that, set out the name labels and prepare bulletins and inserts as required.

As people arrive (and in this order of priority)

  1. Smile and be friendly! Let people know it is great to see them this morning!
  2. Help visitors find their way. Offer them a name sticker. Introduce them to a regular inside.
  3. Help regulars with their name stickers. 
  4. Give out bulletins.

Please continue greeting until the end of the first song.


Try to catch up with any visitors before they leave. Invite them to stay for a cuppa. Introduce them to a regular they might have something in common with. Ask them if they'd like to meet the pastor. Let them know you look forward to seeing them again.